The Memory of Victory

The creation of life: A flower blooms

Elegant and smoothly curved, the trophy of Awards was inspired by the form of a flower bud. Three transparent petals encircle the awards logo, forming a protective ring that symbolises a shelter for future generations. The journey of budding, a metaphor for growth and expansion, begins from a small seed which then develops into a bud and eventually blossoms into a beautiful flower.

Petals of success

Each of the petals represents one key pillar of success – sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship. Together, these petals shape the early formation of a flower and represent the essence that drives and guides the company and industry to grow and flourish.

A thriving industry

The Chinese pronunciation of “Three” (三)is a homophonic to the word “Alive” (生). The three petals symbolised the vitality and vibrancy of the real estate industry.